State Resource Centre (SRC)
The State Resource Centre in Kerala is an organization that falls under the purview of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, which is overseen by the General Education Department of the Government of Kerala. The Chairman of the SRC is the Secretary of the General Education Department of the Government of Kerala, and a Governing Body made up of 15 official and non-official members manages the organization. The primary aim of the Centre is to offer academic and technical resources to support Non-formal/Adult/Continuing and Lifelong Education in a comprehensive and consistent manner.
In conjunction with the local business sector and the community, community colleges offer an alternative educational system that aspires to empower individuals via suitable skill development leading to meaningful employment.
In general, community colleges provide programmes leading to 6-month Certificates, 1-year Diplomas, and 2-year Associate degrees. Community colleges are organizations that are “managed by the community, for the community, and from the community” and provide opportunities to all facets of society.
SRC Community College
SRC Community College was formally inaugurated by Honourable Minister for Education on 25th February 2016.
Empower to Learn. Encourage to Lead
To become a leading institution which provides locale specific, target oriented and tailor made academic programmes necessary for the skill development and knowledge updation of people in different walks of life.
Offer programmes in areas of general interest and interest and have significant demand in the job market. Ensure education leading to skill development of individuals in the community especially, the marginalised and the disadvantaged. Give alternative education to the needy who currently pursue higher education, but are actually interested in entering the workforce, at the earliest.
Encourage to Lead
Provide opportunities for the recognition of prior learning and bridge the gap between the skill and learning outcomes
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In a dynamic, student-centred atmosphere, National College intrepidly pursues greatness by promoting intellect, creativity, and character. Thanks to the workshops, seminars, and interactive sessions with masters in every profession, students frequently have plenty of possibilities to raise their own standards to those of the world.